Happening at Epiphany

Today’s Happening at Epiphany contains a short video regarding plans for Holy Week. Please enjoy the show! Popcorn optional. March 29, Sun., 8:00 AM and all day – Morning Prayer & Homily Video for the Fifth Sunday in Lent. Video is on Youtube and will be available on our Facebook page and webpage. Sunday’s Constant … [Read more…]

Lent II John 3:1-17

Our Gospel Reading this morning is the story of Nicodemus. It’s from the Gospel of John, and the last time I checked, they were pretty sure that it was written in what is now Turkey. It’s very Greek in its thinking, and I always like that. They think John was written “as a teaching story” … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

March 2020 Sometimes one just has to bite the bullet. For years we’ve been debating the pros and cons of going to an electronic newsletter. We’d chew on it for a while in the office and at vestry. Then we’d put it away and continue what we were doing. But outside forces are pushing us … [Read more…]

Sirach 15:15-20   

Our 1st Reading this morning comes from the Book of Sirach. Now, if you learned your Books of the Bible, longer than perhaps 25 years ago, you’re probably wondering, “Where did Sirach come from?” Sirach comes from the Apocrypha. The Apocrypha is a collection of O. T. writings, that for various reasons, were not included … [Read more…]

Matthew 5:13-20

It seems like every time I go in for my semi-annual physical, my doctor goes over my lab results and says, “Your sodium is a little high. You need to cut back on your salt intake.” Then I usually get a gentle lecture about not salting my meat, and reading labels to find reduced salt … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

February 2020 A haunting dilemma. A group of us took a weekend in New York City before Christmas. We saw the Christmas Show at Radio City, visited Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, Saint Mary the Virgin, Grand Central, and all of those other wonderful Midtown Manhattan “must sees.” Someone suggested that we visit the 9/11 Memorial. … [Read more…]