A Word From Julia

Dear People of Epiphany, Since January 2014, it has been my pleasure to serve God with you and Richard. I appreciate your hospitality, support, and kindness as you’ve helped me to fulfill God’s calling to be both a grandmother and a priest. As many of you realize, while my daughter and son-in-law worked full time, … [Read more…]

COVID-19 Guidelines Update

A short video from Rev. Richard Bridgford on the COVID Guidelines update from the Bishop. To check the “Positivity Rate” as described in the video, simply visit: https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/coronavirus/coronavirus/covid-19-in-virginia-testing/ and then select “Norfolk” from the “Health District” drop-down menu.

Update on Church Regathering

Yesterday afternoon I received an email from Bishop Haynes notifying me that she was approving Epiphany’s Regathering Plan. I am aware that some of you want to regather immediately, and others are saying it is too early. Julia and I have discussed our options. We both feel that the numbers in our area are too high, and … [Read more…]