Happening at Epiphany

  • Epiphany Chatter
    July 2024 Spring was wonderful as we had quite a lovely one. Now into the throws of Summer we go. July and August are challenging in regards to the weather, with high temps, high humidity and some of those nasty thunderstorms that can make your teeth rattle and the hair on your neck stand up. … [Read more…]
  • Epiphany Chatter
    June 2024 Hello, fellow Epiphanites!😉 Hope this finds each of you well & happy. Epiphany is also going well, and much happiness can be found within our walls.    We enter June – the halfway point of the year – with continued hope that Epiphany will be blessed with a priest-in-charge soon. We have certainly been … [Read more…]
  • Epiphany Chatter
    May 2024 Here we are, beginning our 5th month of this year. It simply amazes me how time flies and waits for no one.  Liturgically, it is a time flying month as well and will include a day of honoring all the mothers of life.  We begin with Rogation Sunday on May 5th. As has … [Read more…]
  • Epiphany Chatter
    April 2024 Excerpted from “Who is Looking Forward to the Monday after Easter?” by Patreeya Prasertvit We are a forgetful people. Monday is perhaps the most forgetful day of the week. We live much of our lives with this escapist drive toward the weekend, thinking that those two days will fulfill all of our needs … [Read more…]
  • Epiphany Chatter
    March 2024 Lent – a time to pray for others. As this season of Lent unfolds, you call us to return again and again. As you invite us to reflect on your love made visible in the person of Jesus, align our lives more closely with you through prayer, fasting and generous giving. Bless our … [Read more…]