As I tried to come up with a theme for this Clergy Clatter, I seriously wanted it to be something happy and light, reflecting the warmer weather and spring flowers, and the joy of Easter. But my thoughts kept going to the war in Ukraine. I really didn’t want to write about it, but it is right there in front of us every time we turn on the TV, or open a newspaper. It cannot be avoided.
What we are seeing is the very best and very worst of humanity. The bombings, destruction, and slaughter of thousands of people is just horrifying. How can this happen in a modern, friendly world? But the welcoming and treatment of millions of refugees by nations around the world, and especially Poland, show us the very best of humans caring for each other. So we have both the very best and the very worst happening side by side, and it makes no sense.
One thing that amazes me about this whole thing is how it is caused and driven by one person. That’s the case with most wars, isn’t it? One person’s drive for power, or land, or riches drives them to irrational behavior. And if they have a position of power, they can be very destructive to world order. It only takes one person.
This is really the Holy Week Story. Jesus wasn’t the only person crucified that Friday. Two others were crucified with him, and some scholars believe that masses of people were crucified by the Romans. There are accounts of the roads to Jerusalem being lined with used crosses as a warning to persons entering the city. Evil had its day.
But good was present, too. Pilot’s wife, who tried to talk him out of it, the disciples, the women who had stood by him. Good and evil, standing side by side at the foot of the cross. Evil won that day, but good was the final victor. May good find a way to rise victorious in our present day war.
Richard +
April 1, 2022

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