Have you ever planned things carefully, and then had them just fall apart? That’s kind of what’s been going on with my plans to retire from Epiphany. It’s actually become sort of amusing – to me.
As you know, I first spoke with the bishop about it in January. She said she wanted to meet with Julia and me to think it through. Retirements after long term pastorates are sometimes a little tricky. Julia and I met with her, and it was decided that she (the bishop) would meet with Epiphany’s vestry and share some ideas, as well as listen to ideas from the vestry. We scheduled May 11th for that meeting, and planned accordingly. Jim planned a good dinner. The vestry all cleared their calendars. A visit from the bishop is always welcome, and this one was about the future of Epiphany. That’s exciting from any perspective.
Friday the bishop notified the diocese that she was going in for surgery on May 4th, and would be out for two to six weeks. No problem for us. We’ll just move things around a little and wish her a speedy recovery. I called Leah (the bishop’s executive secretary), and we penciled in the bishop’s visit for our June vestry meeting. Yesterday word came that the surgery had been postponed, and the bishop would be on very limited duty until the surgery was performed. That probably means that her June meeting with the vestry will be pushed out. And at least for me, that’s ok. We don’t want a bishop in pain helping plan the future. I’m not going to another job. I don’t have any travel plans. Max says I have to stay home with him. I haven’t told him that I’m looking at cruises, and I haven’t found one that allows dogs. I do have the NUOM job, but they can do without me for a week. We’ll see. Based on recent history, I’m sort of hesitant to make too many plans. And the neat thing is that I don’t have to. Don’t worry Max. We’ll play it by ear.
Get well bishop.
May 8, 2023

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- the volcano that threatened his vacation
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