Epiphany Chatter

September 2024

That old September feeling, left over from school days, of summer passing, vacation nearly done, obligations gathering, books and football in the air…Another fall, another turned page: there was something of jubilee in that annual autumnal beginning, as if last year’s mistakes had been wiped clean by summer.

-Wallace Stegner

Well, here we are entering the first month of the “bers”. The Romans originally had only ten months with the year beginning with March, and before then it was just….some days when winter happened, so there was no farming, no active military and no active government.

September, “the seventh month”, is a month bathed in the golden aura of transitioning seasons when the remnants of summer’s vibrancy intertwine with the emerging whispers of autumn, crafting a symphony of transformation.

September is a living metaphor for change, symbolizing a celestial dance between old and new, an end and beginning. It invites us to step into realms of self-discovery and enlightenment.

The air is tinged with a delicate crispness of the approaching autumn, telling tales of renewal, urging us to embrace new perspectives and shed layers of the worn. September is also a sacred time of self-reflection and inner growth, a month alive in a symphony of gratitude and abundance. It’s a month to pause, to look back at our journey this year and relish the gifts of the universe and to express our thankfulness for the spiritual nourishment we receive and to harmonize our spirits with the secret vibrations of God’s universe. 

Be Blessed.

Jim Fisher


Sunday the 25th of August, we had a travelogue treat from Gayle & John Greene of their Italy trip. It was a full-themed table of wonderful eats, a slide show of fantastic pictures and information, as well as a “focus” on Gayle’s #1 tour guide, Albert. Thank you both for sharing a wonderful experience.

We started the “bers” with our annual Labor Day Cookout on Sunday September 1st following the service. Many thanks to Jackie and Chris who, as always, manned the grill and cooked up wonderful hamburgers and “dogs” (which, also as always, were looked upon by our “furries” with doleful, puppy-dog eyes, because, of course, no one here ever feeds them!)

Fellowship table sign-ups have been coming along quite nicely. September 1st was our cookout. The 8th is being managed by the Cronins and the 22nd by Jim Fisher.

Items for the Yard Sale on Oct 26th are coming in nicely. Thank you.

Roof Fundraiser

From the Tina/Nancy Team

Dear Epiphany Congregation,

Our forefathers were smart about working together when there was a need. Long before GoFundMe or Kickstarter or even Red Cross, communities would lend a hand to help.

Barn raising used to be common in rural America. A barn raising was when a group collectively built a structure for one of their own. “Raising” was lifting into place the vertical frames that formed the skeleton of the building.

There’s a lot we can learn from the tradition of barn raising. Projects that would take months or be impossible alone could be accomplished with teamwork. Communities tackling a project together lightened the load for everyone. Men brought nails, tools, farm animals and experience. Women cooked, maintaining everyone’s strength and attitude. Children saw how friends and neighbors worked to create something lasting and important. Valuable skills were passed along to the next generation, and the lifestyle of helping each other was reinforced.

Our Roof Fundraising Drive brought us together in a similar way. Epiphany’s sense of community runs deep. When there is a need, you step up. With all the negative things happening in the world, it restores faith in humanity when people so readily pitch in to help. It’s like going back to our roots.

Thank you for contributing to our Roof Fundraising Drive. Working together, we have reached our goal.

Nancy Reynolds

September Schedule

September 1st

  • The Rev. Berkley Ford
  • Scott Foxwell – Organist
  • Len & Tina Wright – Altar
  • Jim Fisher – Flowers 
  • John Greene, Jr. – Lector
  • Kevin LaPointe – Usher

September 8th

  • The Rev. Canon Win Lewis
  • Scott Foxwell – Organist 
  • Kevin LaPointe – Altar 
  • Marcia Cronin – Flowers 
  • Tina Wright – Lector 
  • Kathy Moore – Usher

September 15th

  • The Rev. Peg Buelow
  • Scott Foxwell – Organist 
  • Ariel Fernandez – Altar 
  • Joyce Williams – Flowers 
  • Marcie Kidd – Lector 
  • Susie Pedigo – Usher

September 22nd

  • The Rev. John Baldwin
  • Joe Ritchie – Organist
  • Kevin LaPointe – Altar
  • Marcia Cronin – Flowers
  • Jim Fisher – Lector
  • Tom Gillliland – Usher

September 29th

  • The Rev. Berkley Ford
  • Scott Foxwell – Organist
  • Ariel Fernandez – Altar
  • Joyce Williams – Flowers 
  • Brian Pritchard – Lector
  • Jackie Rochelle – Usher

Always pray to have eyes that see 
the best in people, 
a heart that forgives the worst, 
a mind that forgets the bad, 
and a soul that never loses 
faith in God.

-Heavenly Guides 

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