Last year at this time, we were frantically trying to figure out how to celebrate Epiphany’s 100th anniversary. The first service held in the building was on January 6, 1921. The Anniversary Committee had been working hard on plans, we were on the bishop’s calendar, and certainly the pandemic wouldn’t go on much longer.
Well, as we all know, it did go on. Bishop Haynes graciously came and recorded a service, as a “historical moment”, joined the Anniversary Committee for dinner, and promised to come back for the 101st Anniversary, when the pandemic would certainly be a thing of the past. I think I remember the term “variant” being used in the media, but I hadn’t paid that much attention to it. I have now.
I checked with Bishop Haynes by email the other day to make sure she was still willing to join us. She replied that as long as everyone was masked, she was comfortable being with us. In addition, Michelle Risvold wants to be received into the Episcopal Church, and Matthew Risvold wants to be baptized and confirmed. That is a special treat for our parish family that we can’t pass up. So our Epiphany service this year will have a different format than in the past, but it will be a very special service. Bishop Haynes will preach, celebrate, confirm, and received. Julia and/or I will perform Matthew’s baptism. We will still begin in the dark, light the star, light our candles, and bring the magi to the crèche. It will be compressed from past years, but welcoming a new family into the church is a great way to celebrate Epiphany’s 101st anniversary. A reception will follow in the Parish Hall.
I’m really anxious for you to meet our bishop. I also want her to meet you, because you are very special group of people, and she is a very special bishop. You have a great deal to offer each other.
So please plan to join us on January 6th at 6:00 pm, and welcome our bishop, and celebrate Michelle and Matthew’s joining our church. And please remember that masks are a requirement for the service and the reception. They are available at the door if you need one. Also note that the loose offering (not in pledge envelopes) goes to the bishop’s discretionary fund.
Richard +
January 1, 2022

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A compilation of The Rev. Richard O. Bridgford’s most memorable articles from his nearly 25 years at Church of the Epiphany. Enjoy history, humor, nature, travel, and wacky experiences with Fr. Bridgford, his two-legged and four-legged friends! Recall:
- the New Year’s resolutions he couldn’t keep
- the year Santa’s elf delivered Baby Jesus to the creche
- the volcano that threatened his vacation
- sweet elderly widows and “a little afternoon sherry”
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