Clergy Clatter

We all know them. They’re everywhere. They walk out in front of our cars. They mess up our sidewalks. They are so pretty, but such a pain in the neck. Of course, I’m talking about Canada Geese. Recently there was a late night segment on TV about a goose that was discovered with a severely … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

Well, we seem to have somehow avoided the 17-year invasion of Brood X cicadas that some of our neighboring regions experienced. Actually, I was sort of looking forward to it. I can remember as a kid being terrified of the things. I hated the sound that they made up in the trees. Something that big … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

As we begin pulling ourselves up out of this Covid 19 pandemic, with which we have lived for the past 15 months, I want to reflect on some of my own feelings and fears, lest they just get lost to time. The human mind is blessed with an uncanny ability to forget painful and frightening … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

Everyone seems to have a favorite season of the year. Mine is spring. The days are longer and warmer. Utility costs are down. The full moons are haunting, especially this week’s “Pink Moon”. Flowers are blooming and trees and shrubs are turning green. Easter is in the mix, with its wonderful music and messages of … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

A number of folks have mentioned how beautiful the flowers are this spring, and they truly are. I’ve noticed that my camellia blooms didn’t get frost bite this year, and are as pretty as I’ve seen them. And the daffodils, narcissus, crocuses, and snow drops – all beautiful. There are things in bloom in my … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

So – you may remember that pre-Lent I urged you to eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to “keep the tradition alive.” Thinking that I had better follow my own advice, I bought a box of pancake mix, syrup, and the other trimmings for a good Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at home. But I have to … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

If you are not “on Facebook”, you may not have seen the endless “photo shopped” images of Bernie Sanders sitting by himself, in a folding chair, outside in the cold at the inauguration, wearing colorful handmade mittens. There’s nothing particularly remarkable about that – just an old man (my age), huddled to the cold, with … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

I try every other year at this time to share my New Year Resolutions. In the past, I’ve tried to do it with a sense of whimsy. It’s a tradition that I don’t want to abandon; however, with this pandemic causing disruption in our lives, this year is a little more difficult. With the vaccines … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

One of my very earliest memories is putting out a plate of snacks for Santa before going to bed on Christmas Eve. We were living in Cheyenne, Wyoming, and you can guess what the winters are like in Cheyenne. Like most houses in that climate, we had a fireplace in the living room with a … [Read more…]