Clergy Clatter

During our pandemic, one of my precautions has been to go to the grocery store only once a week, and try to do that on what I hope will be “off hours.” I wear my mask, wipe off the cart, and play Dodge Ball as I move down the aisles, trying to avoid getting near … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

“Are you ready for your return from vacation?” asked one of our beloved members, as we prepare to try regular Sunday services again. “You have got to be kidding!!” was my response. We’re now into our eighth month of recorded services, and Zoom meetings, and trying to find a different way of doing everything. We … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

I think most of you know that my car got “totaled” in a hit-and-run. Fortunately, the seat belt worked, and I was able to walk away, without injury. The repair shop and GEICO kept the car for two weeks before notifying me that they were “totaling it”, and I needed to turn in the rental … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

I’m not a person to be afraid of things. As a kid, the school bully never particularly frightened me. I came from a peaceful family, so I was never afraid to go home. If I got in trouble, I just resigned to face the music, take the consequences, and move on. Now, my mother’s fly swatter was another matter. She … [Read more…]

From the Archives of Clergy Clatter

July 2012 “You’ve shrunk!” That was the most recent proclamation of good news from my doctor.  “What do you mean, ‘I’ve shrunk’? I’ve always been 6’1″.”  “Well, you’re 5’11” now. Your spine compresses with age.”  There’s that word again – age.  Now, I have to tell you – this does something dreadful to one’s self-image. … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

I think any kid growing up is subjected to listening to tales from the past to which he or she feels no connection. For me, it was my mother’s reminder of the “Starving Armenians” any time there was a complaint about her cooking, and tales of the 1918 “Spanish Flu.” Out of nowhere, conversations would … [Read more…]