Clergy Clatter

June 1, 2020 Well. It turns out that old dogs can learn new tricks. If there is one positive thing that has come out of this dreadful virus, it is that I have tried my hand at cooking – and enjoyed it. As most of you know, I have eaten all of my meals “out.” … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

May 2020 Oh – have I ever learned a thing or two during this “shelter in place.” First – I don’t ever want to retire unless I go directly into a nursing home. Secondly, I really get tired of my own company. Third, I knew I was a bad cook, but I didn’t know HOW … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

April 1, 2020 When I was in seminary, one of the required classes in the core curriculum was “Homiletics” (preaching). It was held in an old chapel that they called the Oratory. It met twice a week, and at each session, two students preached on an assigned text. We then picked each other apart, unmercifully. … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

March 2020 Sometimes one just has to bite the bullet. For years we’ve been debating the pros and cons of going to an electronic newsletter. We’d chew on it for a while in the office and at vestry. Then we’d put it away and continue what we were doing. But outside forces are pushing us … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

February 2020 A haunting dilemma. A group of us took a weekend in New York City before Christmas. We saw the Christmas Show at Radio City, visited Rockefeller Plaza, Times Square, Saint Mary the Virgin, Grand Central, and all of those other wonderful Midtown Manhattan “must sees.” Someone suggested that we visit the 9/11 Memorial. … [Read more…]