Holy Eucharist, Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost and Holy Eucharist with Rev. Richard Bridgford and Rev. Julia Ashby. Celebrant: Richard Bridgford Homily: Julia Ashby Acolyte: Ariel Fernandez Lector: John Greene Flowers: Jim Fisher Altar: Kevin LaPointe Usher: Kevin LaPointe Music: Joe Ritchie, Director of Music Video: Emmett Pate ​

Blessing of the Pets, Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to the Blessing of the Pets, Nineteenth Sunday After Pentecost and Holy Eucharist with Rev. Richard Bridgford. Celebrant: Julia Ashby Homily: Richard Bridgford Acolyte: Ariel Fernandez Lector: Gayle Greene Flowers: Marcia Cronin Altar: Len & Tina Wright Usher: Jackie Rochelle Music: Joe Ritchie, Director of Music Video: Emmett Pate ​