First Sunday of Advent, Holy Eucharist

Welcome to the First Sunday of Advent and Holy Eucharist with Rev. Richard Bridgford and Rev. Julia Ashby Lector: Susie Pedigo Music by Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum Video production by Emmett Pate Bulletin: 00:00 Prelude: Pastorale on a French Carole 03:37 Welcome 04:52 Reading: Isaih 64:1-9 06:27 Reading: Psalm 80:1-7, 16-18 08:01 Hymn: … [Read more…]

Christ the King, Holy Eucharist

Welcome to Christ the King Sunday and Holy Eucharist with Rev. Richard Bridgford and Rev. Julia Ashby. Lector: John Greene Music by Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum Video production by Emmett Pate Bulletin: 00:00 Prelude: Trumpet Prelude 01:38 Welcome 03:29 Reading: Ezekial 34:11-16, 20-24 05:14 Reading: Psalm 95:1-7a 07:30 Hymn: Praise the Lord 08:28 … [Read more…]

COVID-19 Guidelines Update

A short video from Rev. Richard Bridgford on the COVID Guidelines update from the Bishop. To check the “Positivity Rate” as described in the video, simply visit: and then select “Norfolk” from the “Health District” drop-down menu.

Morning Prayer, Pentecost 24

Welcome to Pentecost 24 Sunday and Morning Prayer with Rev. Richard Bridgford Lectors: Brian Pritchard and Ariel Fernandez Music by Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum Video production by Emmett Pate Bulletin: 00:00 Prelude: Allegro Maestoso from Sonata II 03:05 Welcome 04:23 Reading: Psalm 90:1-8,12 05:32 Reading: Zephaniah 1:7,12-18 07:30 Hymn: Rise Up, Ye Saints … [Read more…]

Morning Prayer, Pentecost 23

Welcome to Pentecost 23 Sunday and Morning Prayer with Rev. Richard Bridgford Lectors: Ariel Fernandez and Brian Pritchard Music by Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum Video production by Emmett Pate Bulletin: 00:00 Prelude: Vater unser im Himmelreich 01:14 Welcome 03:51 Reading: Wisdom of Solomon 6:12-16 04:31 Hymn: Come down, O Love Divine 07:26 Reading: … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

During our pandemic, one of my precautions has been to go to the grocery store only once a week, and try to do that on what I hope will be “off hours.” I wear my mask, wipe off the cart, and play Dodge Ball as I move down the aisles, trying to avoid getting near … [Read more…]

All Saints Day, Spiritual Communion

Welcome to All Saints Day and Spiritual Communion with Rev. Richard Bridgford and Rev. Julia Ashby. Lectors: Marcie Kidd and Jim Fisher Music by Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum Video production by Emmett Pate Bulletin: 00:00 Prelude: Let Saints on Earth in Concert Sing 00:58 Welcome 02:37 Reading: Revelations 7:9-17 04:32 Rreading: Psalm 34:1-10,22 … [Read more…]

Morning Prayer, Pentecost 21

Welcome to Pentecost 20 Sunday and Morning Prayer with Rev. Julia Ashby. Lectors: Lynne Pipis and Mary Shaffer Music by Joe Ritchie and James Coaxum Video production by Emmett Pate Bulletin: 00:00 Prelude: God the Omnipotent 01:40 Welcome 03:12 Reading: Psalm 1 04:04 Reading: Venite Psalm 95 05:01 Reading: Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18 06:02 Hymn: … [Read more…]