Clergy Clatter

“You have to get us back to where we were before the pandemic.” Almost every time we gather, whether for Sunday worship, vestry, a chat in my office – I am told that the pandemic is over. Now I need to get things right again. I need to get attendance back to where it was, … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

“You know Lent comes early this year” I heard someone say as the clergy were vesting for Fr. Green’s Requiem Mass. WHAT? “How early is early?” I wondered. As soon as I could get to a calendar I checked it out. Yee Gads! Three weeks! Maybe Epiphany would like to skip Lent this year. One … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

At a Christmas gathering, Marcia Cronin and I got into a discussion over popular Christmas carols. She told me the following story about “Joy to the World.” It has to be shared, so in Marcia’s words, here it is. Enjoy! “Joy to the World” always brings a smile to my face, both for the joy … [Read more…]