The Way of The Cross

As we begin the season of Lent, we’re pleased to offer this rendition of The Way of The Cross. On this page you’ll find the history of the service, beautiful photos and descriptions of the stations found in our sanctuary, and a video of the service. Enjoy!

Clergy Clatter

Good grief! It’s Lent. From where did that come? I usually have my Lenten planning well under way right after Christmas. But we were just closing down after Christmas – and now we’re opening up right at the start of Lent. That blasted pandemic! Well, if the pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s adaptability. … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

It’s been a few years since we’ve have any significant snow around here, but we got a pretty good one last weekend. Max was not happy with it, since it was well up over his belly on my decks, which meant he had to sort of swim through it. This last snow reminded me of … [Read more…]