Clergy Clatter

According to NPR, there are three fruit that are native to America; Blueberries, Cranberries, and a third that is unfamiliar to me. I love both Blueberries and Cranberries. Chicken and Turkey just have to be served with Cranberries. So – a few days before Thanksgiving I stopped by Boston Market drive through and ordered a whole … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

I’m writing this within a few hours of returning from our annual Fall Clergy Conference, now called a Clergy Gathering. Retired clergy rarely attend these meetings, but I enjoy being with long time friends, meeting the new clergy, and keeping up on what is happening, especially since I’m still in active ministry. The first one … [Read more…]

Holy Eucharist, Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost

Welcome to the Twentieth Sunday After Pentecost and Holy Eucharist with Rev. Richard Bridgford and Rev. Julia Ashby. Celebrant: Richard Bridgford Homily: Julia Ashby Acolyte: Ariel Fernandez Lector: John Greene Flowers: Jim Fisher Altar: Kevin LaPointe Usher: Kevin LaPointe Music: Joe Ritchie, Director of Music Video: Emmett Pate ​