Epiphany Chatter

April 2024 Excerpted from “Who is Looking Forward to the Monday after Easter?” by Patreeya Prasertvit We are a forgetful people. Monday is perhaps the most forgetful day of the week. We live much of our lives with this escapist drive toward the weekend, thinking that those two days will fulfill all of our needs … [Read more…]

Epiphany Chatter

March 2024 Lent – a time to pray for others. As this season of Lent unfolds, you call us to return again and again. As you invite us to reflect on your love made visible in the person of Jesus, align our lives more closely with you through prayer, fasting and generous giving. Bless our … [Read more…]

A Word From Julia

Dear People of Epiphany, Since January 2014, it has been my pleasure to serve God with you and Richard. I appreciate your hospitality, support, and kindness as you’ve helped me to fulfill God’s calling to be both a grandmother and a priest. As many of you realize, while my daughter and son-in-law worked full time, … [Read more…]

Clergy Clatter

Someone recently asked me if I was going to continue “Clergy Clatter” after I retired from Epiphany. Sadly, my answer was “No.” I say sadly because it has been sort of a journal of my life with you for 30 plus years. You have been very much a part of it with me. Anyone around … [Read more…]